C.G. Jung

Every now and then a client arrives in my office presenting dreams for interpretation, or other issues arise which seem best met from a Jungian perspective. These moments are joyful for me, because they offer an opportunity to drop deeper into the flow of the psyche and connect to my long-standing love of the work of C.G. Jung and those who followed in his footsteps. I began Jungian studies my senior year at Yale, where my senior thesis compared Jungian and Gestalt therapies. At midlife I did seven years of Jungian analysis, five of it with Joseph Henderson, the patriarch of Jungian culture in San Francisco who had by trained by Jung himself. Later I did several years of work with John Beebe, and wrote with him an article on Jellaludin Rumi for the SF Jung Institute Library Journal. When the opportunity comes about to work in a Jungian way, I embrace it with love and  experience.